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High resolution human gut microbiota research

| Strain-level metagenomics

| Adaptative evolution of human gut microbes

| Utilizing gut microbiota for precision medicine

| Development of next generation live biotherapeutics

Candidates interested in a postdoc with us, please get in touch!

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Group affiliations & research support

The dwibedilab is a part of the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University. We are affiliated to The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden [MiMS] - the Swedish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine. We are also affiliated to SciLifeLab through the Data-Driven Life Science [DDLS] Program funded by Knut and Alice Wallenburg Foundation [KAW]!


Our Focus

Our group is focused on studying the strain-level differences within the human gut microbiota, including host-specific adaptations, host-microbe interactions, and host-microbe coevolution. Our goal is to understand the role specific microbes play in human health and on the long run to improve the effectiveness of gut bacteria as therapeutic agents.

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